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New ABC: Networking the Educational World: Across Boundaries for Community-building

Progetti europei
Programma di ricerca
Horizon 2020
Ente finanziatore
Settore ERC
SH4_8 - Language learning and processing (first and second languages)
SH4_12 - Philosophy of mind, philosophy of language
01/01/2021 - 31/08/2024
Cecilia Maria Andorno

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto


Within the project, the University of Turin and the University of Bologna teams will be responsible for pilot action "Teacher training and family involvement in pluralistic approaches to language education"

This pilot will take place in primary and middle schools with a culturally diverse population ranging from 6 to 14 years of age. The aim of this pilot action is to create conditions and activities so that multilingual skills are valued as a resource and an opportunity in the school curriculum.

The university teams will collaborate with schools and families to develop and implement a series of activities aiming to:

  • raise awareness of teachers, students and families about benefits and educational outcomes of a multilingual oriented pedagogy;
  • empower families in children’s school education, fostering bottom-up synergies and building a transversal multilingual learning environment, which can support the use and enhancement of a multilingual repertoire;
  • support teachers in developing effective practices for the use and valorisation of plurilingual repertoires.

The pilot will be first developed and tested in Italy, and later on retested in Spain by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ultimo aggiornamento: 03/02/2023 18:32
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