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CartaSfondo1.jpgali-s2.GIFThe Istituto dell’Atlante Linguistico – ALI (Italian Linguistic Atlas Institute) is an independent research centre whose main aim is to preserve and publish dialectal and ethnographic materials already collected by the Società Filologica Friulana and the Institute itself. (  

Director: Lorenzo Massobrio

The section is part of a large network of scientific collaborations with the following main partners:

ALE - Atlas Linguarum Europae

AliR – Atlas Linguistique Roman

APV – Atlas des Patois Valdôtains

Centre d’Etudes francoprovençales ‘René Willien’

Centro di Dialettologia e di Etnografia di Bellinzona (Bellinzona Centre of Dialectology and Ethnography) (

CeRCA – Centro Ricerca Cultura Alpina (Research Centre on Alpine Culture)

CeSDoMeO – Centro Studi e Documentazione della Memoria Orale (Centre of Studies and Documentation of the Oral Tradition)

CIEBP – Centre d’Information pour l’Education Bilingue et Plurilingue

From space to time: reference frames and cultural interference (Scientific coordinators: Benjamin Fagard - Paris III/ENS/CNRS, Jordan Zlatev - Lunds Universitet)  (

LRE – Language Rich Europe Network (

Society of Waldensian Studies

The structure of learner varieties (, a research network that promotes scientific activities. Coordinator: Cecilia Andorno

TRIPLE – Tavolo di Ricerca sulla Parola e sul LEssico (

The TRIPLE’s purpose is to carry out research on words and lexicon of Italian and of other languages of the world, with the objective of obtaining descriptive and theoretical results (classifications, typologies, documentation of phenomena, specific studies) and applications (development of dictionaries, databases and corpora, computational implementations and implementations in the IT field).

Verba Alpina  (

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/09/2018 23:31
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