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 Research Projects


Afrodite dea mediterranea (Aphrodite, Mediterranean Goddess), in partnership with the University of Nice Sophia – Antipolis, funded under the 2013 PRES Euro-Mediterranean Call For Proposals, an initiative of  Pole de Recherche et d’Enseignement Superieur Euro-Méditerranéen. Coordinator: Silvia Romani.

Critical Edition of the Gospel According to St John, led by David C. Parker (University of Birmingham, Institute of Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing) and Holger Strutwolf (University of Münster, Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung). The project is part of the Editio Critica Maior - The International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP). The supervisor of the Gothic version is Carla Falluomini.

Cultural Heritage of Antiquity and its Influence from Piedmont of Risorgimento to Europe, from the Middle of the Nineteenth Century to 1961 (2011 Call for proposals of the University of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo). Scientific Coordinator: Giulio Guidorizzi.

DigilibLt - Digital Library of Late Antique Latin Texts (2009-2014 Call for proposals of Regione Piemonte to support research in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences, Scientific Coordinator: Raffaella Tabacco (University of Eastern Piedmont). Turin Coordinator: Ermanno Malaspina.

Flavian Epic Intertextuality, international research project, funded by the Swiss Federal Research Foundation and jointly coordinated by the University of Geneve and the University of Buffalo (Damien Nelis, Lavinia Galli Milic, Neil Coffee). The project aims to analyse the works of Valerius Flaccus, Statius and Silius Italicus by adopting traditional philological methods and new digital tools. Italian Coordinator: Federica Bessone.

FRRO - The Fragments of the Republican Roman Orators, funded by the European Research Council of the European Union.  Host Institution: University of Glasgow, Editors: Catherine Steel, Charles Smith, Henriette van der Blom. Advisory Board: Andrea Balbo.

GREEK BOOKS. Greek Books in Turin Libraries: Sources and Documents for a New Inquiry of the Classical Background of the Piedmontese Elites, XV-XIX century (2009-2014 Call for proposals of Regione Piemonte to support research in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences). Scientific Coordinator: Enrico V. Maltese.

KYPRIAKA. Cyprus between the Aegean and the East: Mediterranean productions and cultural relationships in the antiquity, The project consists of the systematic archaeological survey of the Protohistoric site of Erimi (Limassol) (Early-Middle Bronze Age) and of the collections held in some Cyprus’ museums. Coordinator: Luca Bombardieri.

Il sapere mitico (Mythical Knowledge). Anthropology of Ancient Myth, project funded in the frame of  Programma di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale – PRIN 2011 (Projects of Relevant National Concern) for the years 2010-2011 and by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (National Coordinator: Maurizio Bettini -University of Siena). Turin Research Unit Coordinator: Paola Dolcetti.

La versione gotica della Bibbia/The Gothic Version of the Bible, research group composed by Antonio Piras (Pontifical Faculty of Theology of Sardinia, Cagliari), Magnus Snædal (University of Reykjavik) and Carla Falluomini.

Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria/Poetry of the Memory, Memory of the Poetry. Word and theme occurrences in epigraphic poetry and literature, funded in the frame of 2011 PRIN (Projects of Relevant National Concern) and by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (National Coordinator: Paolo Mastrandrea Ca’ Foscari University of Venice). Turin Supervisor: Massimo Manca.

Per la promozione della cultura classica (For the Promotion of Classical Culture) is the result of a memorandum of understanding of 18th April 2012 between MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) and Centro Antropologia e Mondo Antico (Centre for Anthropology and Ancient World) of the University of Siena (Coordinator: Maurizio Bettini). Supervisor: Giulio Guidorizzi.

Senecana ( on line collection of the Senecan bibliography and of educational and scientific contributions dedicated to various aspects of the work of Seneca. Supervisor: Andrea Balbo.

Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC): since 2009, it offers, the most important website on research and academic communication on Cicero in Europe. Vice President: Andrea Balbo; Chairman of the Advisory Board: Ermanno Malaspina.

TraPat - Traditio Patrum: The Textual Transmission of Latin Fathers between Classical and Medieval World funded in the frame of the project FIRB Progetto Giovani  (‘FIRB – Future in Research’) for the five-year period 2010-2015. Coordinator: Emanuela Colombi  - University of Udine. Turin Collaborators: Edoardo Bona and Clementina Mazzucco.

Trasmissione dell’antico: codificazione letteraria, tradizione manoscritta, ricezione (Transmission of Antiquity: Literary Codification, Manuscript Tradition, Reception), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in the frame of 2010-2011 PRIN (Projects of Relevant National Concern) (National Coordinator: Giuseppe Mastromarco, University of Bari; Turin Research Unit Coordinator: Giuseppina Magnaldi). 


In Documents, it is possible to find the list of the critical editions in progress.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/09/2018 23:31
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