Research projects
Progetto Co.Health (Co.Health Project) (funded in 2013 by Fondazione CRT) (CRT Foundation) about the training of healthcare staff through performing arts. Scientific coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Pontremoli
Progetto Caravan (Caravan Project), ( funded in 2011 in the frame of the European Call for Proposals “Cultura EACEA” (with Fondazione CRT and Master di Teatro Sociale e di Comunità, Master’s Course in Social and Community Theatre) Italian coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Pontremoli
Officine sintetiche. Piattaforma di Arti Performative e Interattività Digitale (Synthetic Workshops. Platform of Performing Arts and Digital Interactivity) ( funded in 2013 by Fondazione CRT, coordinator: Prof. Antonio Pizzo
CABIRIA: Census, Cataloguing and Study of Manuscript and Printed Music for the Cinema in Piedmont (Call for Proposals “Scienze Umane – Regione Piemonte, 2010-4”): census, cataloguing and study of almost 3,000 documents of manuscript and printed music for film kept in Piedmont, among which the scores for the films L’assassinat du Duc de Guise (1908), The Slave of Carthage (1910), The Last Days of Pompeii (1913), Cabiria (1914), The Birth of a Nation (1915), Frate sole (1918), and series such as Gaietyfilm, Mysticfilm, Cosmofilm, Tragicfilm,Dramafilm and Répertoire des cinémas (Choudens), Domesticum-Film-Serie (Schott), Biblioteca Cinema (Cinema Library, Ricordi), coordinator: Prof. Annarita Colturato. See Documents
Riordino, catalogazione e studio dei documenti manoscritti e a stampa conservati nell'Archivio musicale dell'Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI (Reorganisation, Cataloguing and Study of the Manuscripts and Printed Documents Preserved in the Musical Archive of RAI’s National Symphony Orchestra) (FIRB – Italian Ministry of Education and Research, 2012-5): Bach, Beethoven, Donizetti, Paganini, Verdi, Wagner, Liszt’s autograph letters and scores; collection of manuscript arrangements written by RAI between the 30s and 70s; rare opera librettos published between the 18th and 20th century. Coordinator: Dr Andrea Malvano. See Documents
The Promotion of the Artistic and Expressive Intangible Heritage in Piedmont: Toward a Digital Creativity Model (Compagnia di San Paolo/University of Turin; 2012-4). Coordinator: Prof. Giulio Guidorizzi.
Progetto sui generi musicali (Musical Genres Project), aiming to reformulate the tagging protocols of audio files used on the web.
Articoli musicali nei quotidiani dell’Ottocento in Italia: una banca dati - ARTMUS (Musical Articles in the Newspapers of the 19th Century in Italy: A Database – ARTMUS) (PRIN – Italian Ministry of Education and Research 2012, coordinator of the Turin Department: Prof. Alberto Rizzuti)
Studio sul campo, attraverso il web e gli archivi della pratica musicale neo-tradizionale delle comunità della Diaspora croata della Posavina, con particolare riferimento al repertorio di canto accompagnato dal liuto šargija e dal violin (Field Research, Through the Web and the Archives of Neo-traditional Communities of the Croatian Diaspora of Posavina, with Particular Reference to the Singing Repertoire Accompanied by Šargija Lute and Violin) (PRIN – Italian Ministry of Education and Research 2010-2011: Transformation Processes in Oral Tradition Music Since 1900. Historical Research and Surveys of Contemporary Music, coordinator of the Turin Department: Prof. Febo Guizzi)
Costruzione del caos e affermazione di sé: dal carnevale ai movimenti, attraverso i suoni e il travestimento (Construction of Chaos and Self-affirmation: from Carnival to Movements, through Sounds and Disguise) (phase of in-depth analysis deriving from the research funded by PRIN – Italian Ministry of Education and Research, 2008: Music, Disguise, Inversion in the Oral and Written Music Traditions, coordinator of the Turin Department: Prof. Febo Guizzi.
SoDA Sound Design Accelerator (, innovation cluster: digital creativity and multimedia. Annual program or interim call for presentation: third annual programme - 2011