The research topics are discussed and analysed in detail thanks to frequent seminars, conferences, screenings and meetings with professionals working in various sectors.
Among the main initiatives, it is important to mention the series of seminars Intorno ai Media. Scambi e Discussioni (Around the Media. Exchanges and Discussions, started in 2008, and the Permanent Observatory on the Theories and Methods of Film Textuality Analysis, created after a number of prestigious international conferences organized since 2003 (Il lavoro sul film - The work on the film,
Summer School on Television (September), a collaboration which involves the Department of Humanistic Studies, that of Cultures, Politics and Society and the Prix Italia. The summer school avails of the presence of executives, writers and directors belonging to the world of broadcasting and of international scholars.
Permanent Seminar of Dynamic Arts Philosophy “Carmelo Bene” organised by Prof. Antonio Attisani.
We would also like to mention the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, whose primary purpose is the promotion of Piedmont and Turin as locations and workplaces of excellence for film and television production.
Turin hosts:
- The Prix Italia, the oldest and most prestigious international competition for radio, TV and the web (drama, documentaries, music and performing arts). More than ninety public and private broadcasting organisations from the five continents take part in the competition.
- Torino Film Festival (end of November - early December), the leading film festival in the city, dedicated to the cinema of young directors but also to important historical retrospectives,
- Torino GLBT Festival (April), on gay and lesbian cinema,
- Cinemambiente (June), focusing on the themes of environmental awareness,
- Piemonte Movie Glocal Film Festival (March), with a wide selection from the regional audiovisual production,
- Sottodiciotto Filmfestival (December), on cinema for children and schools,
- Festival delle Colline Torinesi (,
- Festival Torino Danza (
The most recent initiatives, which are the result of the creative and organisational skills of some of our graduates, are also worth mentioning:
Teatro della Caduta (
Teatro Fringe Festival (