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Centres, Structures and Organisations


foto6_centro.jpgIn its library holdings the Biblioteca di Orientalistica (Library of the Oriental Studies Department) includes over 40,000 Arabian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian volumes and text collections, plus a video archive of over 300 films specialised in Asian cinema.

The library also houses two important collections of literary works:

the Fondo Paul Kahle (Paul Kahle Collection), which belonged to the famous German orientalist (1875-1964), consists in a wide archive of scientific material, a collection of printed books and a huge collection of Arabian, Persian and Turkish manuscripts dating from the 15th to the 20th Centuries.


The Fondo Edoarda Masi (Edoarda Masi Collection) includes a rare collection of Chinese periodicals, particularly relevant for the study of the People’s Republic of China in the Maoist period. 


The section has a close relationship with several centres belonging to the University of Turin:

Centro di Scienze religiose Erik Peterson (Centre of Religious Sciences “Erik Peterson”), which includes an extensive library of 40,000 volumes dedicated to Historical and Religious Studies, many specialist periodicals, integrated by funds such as Begey, Towianski and Canonico.

Centro Interateneo di Studi per la Pace (Inter-university Centre of Studies for Peace) which promotes research on peace and war.

IstConfucio.jpg The Istituto Confucio (Confucius Institute) offers the possibility of cultural exchanges with China to PhD candidates, PhDs  and professors and financings for translations of important texts from Chinese to Italian and vice versa. 


 Centrdi Alti Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea (Centre of Advanced Studies on Contemporary China).


The framework of cultural collaborations is completed by the centres and organisations of the area. The section has an active collaboration with:

Centro Piemontese di Studi Africani (Piedmont Centre of African Studies).

foto5_calligrafia_cinese1.jpgCESMEO (International Institute for Advanced Asian Studies).

Turin’s Museo di Arte Orientale (MAO, Museum of Oriental Art).

Amici di Torino Spiritualità  and Circolo dei Lettori, connected to the Torino Spiritualità Festival.

Ceipiemonte (Foreign Centre for Internationalisation).

Gruppo Abele.

Salone del Libro di Torino (Turin International Book Fair).

The section has a close relationship with Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino in Rome (Institute for the Orient “C.A. Nallino”).

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/09/2018 23:31
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