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Research projects


pass1.pngParents As Successful teacherS- PASS European project funded under the 2011-12 Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig( aiming at providing the instruments to introduce foreign languages to children from 4 to 7 through daily practice with their parents.

Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies (COMSt), project funded by the European Science Foundation.

Aree di transizione linguistiche e culturali in Africa (Linguistic and cultural transition areas in Africa) national project funded under the project Futuro in Ricerca (Future in Research), 2012-2015 FIRB.

L'India e la persona: soglie individuali e confini (India and the person: individual gateways and social boundaries) funded in the frame of Programma di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (Projects of Relevant National Concern) – 2007-2010 PRIN (national coordinator Francesco Remotti, local coordinator Stefano Piano, attendees Mario Piantelli, Alberto Pelissero, Antonella Serena Comba).

Kahle Documents Management, Organization and Study - Kadmos, funded by Regione Piemonte – Direzione Innovazione, Ricerca e Università (Innovation, Research and University Department) in the frame of the 2008 Scienze Umane e Sociali Call for Proposals. Scientific coordinator: Bruno Chiesa.

Mise en relief et mise en retrait : le marquage de la hierarchie discursive Hierarchie discursiveScientific coordinator: Pascal Boyeldieu LLACAN/CNRS.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/09/2018 23:31
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